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Department Goals

Posted by on 03/13/2010

When we moved out from the Commonwealth and I took the job here at Cochise County, the bigest challenge that I faced was turning the department around. It had a poor reputation throughout the county as an insular non-partner and  very poor service provider. Moral was shot and everyone was either rowing in a different direction, or not rowing at all.

By pulling the team together and making them owners of their own destiny, we managed to turn the department around, set a course and provide stellar service. We are now the premiere service department in the County. Are we done? No way!

There is always room for improvement and we have again set our goals for next year.

The primary litmus test we use for everything from project assessment to personnel reviews is the staff created VME document. We review this document every year and use is to set our goals and manage our interactions.

If you would like to see the before and after snapshots of the department, check out these two presentations:

First 30 Days – What our challenges were when I started back in 2007

2010 All Staff Meeting – How far we have come to date. Be sure to check out the department survey results.

If you’d like to see more details or additional presentations, check out the presentation page.

All in all, I am very proud of the job my team has done to make this happen. They are a talented bunch!

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