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Posted by on 08/31/2008

Well, its been a crazy few weeks and I just haven’t gotten around to updating anything…  Oh well!

Anyway, in a nutshell, GENcon was awsomesauceness in a can and it was incredible to see something Jess worked so hard on (“Changeling; The Lost” )sweep the ENnies for five separate awards. It was amazing to see that!  Food was great, people were wonderful and finally after 20 + years, I got to a GENcon! I have never seen so many dice in one place and will try to dig up photos later.

Work has been very busy and I have not had a chance to really do anything else until very recently. Picked up a new Bowflex and have been back to hitting that very hard. Its really nice.

Monsoons are still in full swing here. Everything is green and the air is cool until the sun breaks through and then its instantly muggy.

Had deer in the yard for the first time this week and the peach tree has put off some delicious fruit this year. I think it has doubled in size since we moved in.

Well, I am sue there is more and I will be back to update as I think of things.

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