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Friday.. man, what a Friday.

Posted by on 06/27/2008

At 2:00am my Tek Gang got alerted that our Sheriff’s Office had lost their network and phone connectivity. My Gang got to work on it right away and quickly found that the main router that fed all their communications had failed.

They got CISCO on the phone and had the required repair parts couriered out of Phoenix about four hours away.

3.5 Hours later the box arrived on my door and I ran it out to the SO. Opened it up and low and behold, here was a completely empty router chassis… no parts, no management engine or control module! Nothing that actually made it work.

So, back on the phone to CISCO support.

Yep, they are sending the right part this time! 4.5 Hours latter (The driver got lost…) here comes our next package!

Open the box and look, only HALF the part needed to make the fix. By now it is nearly 5 PM. and the S.O. is still down.

Had they sent the right parts, we would have been operational by noon.

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