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Boom Again

Posted by on 12/17/2007

Went out to shoot this Saturday again. This time the weather was about perfect and I took my shooting supplies out as well as a big roll of carpet to lie on. I wanted to actually sight in the Hawken instead of just banging away at the targets down range.

I spent about 3 hours out tweaking the loads and practicing at the target down range about 60 yards. The thing I found most difficult is not flinching. Seemed easier with an M16A2. Must be the noise or the slight delay in the ignition process on the muzzleloader.


This is my layout. Note the tons of spent shotgun shells around the pad… you should see the brass discards.

Anyway, after abbot 15 rounds I was feeling much more comfortable and my sight picture was much more steady. I adjusted the sights for elevation and windage over the next 10 rounds or so. My shoulder was getting tender (as was my cheek) from the recoil. I think the stock on the Hawken is too short for me so I am thinking about getting some maple and extending it to fit better. It will make a nice project in the spring…

So, I hiked back down range to the remains of an old drier that I had been using for a target stand all morning and taped up a sheet of paper with blue tape for cross hairs.


Here is the target view from about 60 yards. Small huh?

I setup to shoot again and used the same 70 grain load I had been using all day to sight the rifle in. I got comfortable with a good sight picture and touched off the round, didn’t flinch at all. When the smoke cleared though… no bullet hole!

” Damn” I had completely missed!! So I got up and walked down range. Got within about 10 yards and look!


You could not ask for a better shot! I laughed and decided it was just right and I should call it a day! No need to push my luck.

Maybe back to the range in a week or two when I heal up. Hard getting old.

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