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Aint in Kansas…

Posted by on 07/28/2007

Ok, actually we are still in Kansas. Jess is driving again. Just outside of Junction City and winging it West…

The woodlands of Western Missouri and Eastern Kansas have given way to long rolling grass hills and little valleys of hardwood groves. Its sunny although the cornflower blue sky is filled with columns of clouds rising up in the distance.

So far, Kansas is not what I had pictured. It is very pretty and reminds me a great deal of central Oregon/Washington. I am curious to see what the countryside changes to as we get closer to Denver.

We stopped for lunch at Cracker Barrel and a fill up for the car. Food was good and the break was fast so we are back on the road!

Current Meatspace Location:
38.94402 N
97.19276 W
Alt 1102.03 Ft Speed – 80 Mph

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