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Columbus Ohio

Posted by on 07/25/2007

Well, Wednesday night finds my clan in Columbus Ohio. The day was spent traveling though the woodlands of upstate New York

and over the rolling hills and farmlands of Ohio. I didn’t realize there would be much of a difference but as we broke off of I90 and headed South down I71 to Columbus, the change, though subtle was evident. Ohio is pretty outside it’s cities. Feel old, not New England-old, but old none the less. I think you could wander here.

We had lunch with some friends of Jess’ from UBcon ,(really nice folks) in Buffalo, then dinner with Matt, Heather, and Tegan in Cleveland. It was good to see them again.

From here we are in uncharted territory. Never been the way West. Am looking forward to the trip tomorrow where we should end up in St Louis early in the evening.

Current Meatspace Location:
N 40 05.960′
W082 59.203′
Alt 644

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