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The Viking Goes West Once More

Posted by on 07/24/2007

Well, the Universe has presented us with a new adventure. I have accepted a new Technology Director position in Arizona and will be leaving New England on the 24th.

The last two years in Massachusetts have been very interesting and I have learned a lot.

Now, its amazing to have an opportunity to return to my home town and give something back to the community where I went to High School.

It took a bit longer than we expected to get out of town. Much packing of the PODs and chaos getting the pets out on the plane… exciting stuff that just would not come together and it felt for a while that we would never get out of town!

But here we are in Syracuse New York at midnight after 4 hours on the road. Feels like we got some miles behind us and are really on our way at last. The Valkyrie is tucked in and my LadyWife is checking her networks. All is right in my world tonight.

More updates as we progress West.

Current Meatspace Location:
N 43 02.491′
W076 08.035′
Alt 582 ft

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