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Posted by on 04/07/2007

At EconoCon

We are out this weekend in Plymouth New Hampshire attending a SciFi/Gaming convention PSU. Its a great group of young folks and they are treating Jess like a queen. The public network here requires an account so I am writing this during the day and will have to post it at the hotel in the evening.

We went out to dinner at a wonderful place last night “The Italian Farmhouse” hosted by the Gaming club here. Wonderful Italian food and excellent desert. It was good enough were it could have actually been a dining destination.

Speaking of destinations, the trip up here was absolutely beautiful. We came up from Mass to Vermont over East through southern NH. Everything was frosted white with the last snows. We drove through delightful little townships and hamlets all the way and I can definitely see the charm of rural New England now.

Breakfast was yummy! We ate at the retro little diner in downtown Plymouth (Insert Name Here) Probably the best homefries and Eggs Benedict that I have ever had.

PSU itself is a charming little campus of about 5000 students. The Union building where we are attending the con, is very well laid out. Nice architecture and good colors. Lots of windows and light.

Overall a lovely place!

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