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On the Road Again…

Posted by on 03/25/2007

Well, here I sit at the Bradley airport at 8:30 am  on a Sunday. My flight to Cedar Rapids leaves at 10:40. There are at most, 10 people in this terminal. I think the airport staff outnumber the travelers 3 to 1 so I am thinking maybe the TSA advisory to arrive two hours before your flight is probably overkill here.  All in all, I think I would much rather be stuck in the Kona airport…

And in other news, I am traveling with an old IBM X40 ultralight running Windows XP. Six months ago, I would have never even mentioned it, but I am completely jonsing for my Powerbook ( Darn You Topher!!). We went to put additional memory in the PB and found it had a defective motherboard. Seems some of the PB G4s would not recognize any more than 512 M on a DIMM, no matter what the capacity. Topher made some calls to Apple and even though the PB was a month out of warranty, they agreed to fix it. So Friday we stuck it in the box that Apple sent and off it went to the great orchard in the sky for upgrade. With any luck, it should be back next week!

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