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In which we switch PCs… Again!

Posted by on 03/07/2007

    Up until last week I had been using an older IBM X40 Ultralite laptop that used to belong to the boss. When we upgraded her to a new X60, I got her old one.
    Its been great. That IBM is a very cool piece of hardware and with it loaded up with Ubuntu Linux was speedy and fun to work with.
    Unfortunately, the hardware was just too old and it finally went gunnybag last week. So, in search of a replacement, I snagged another older laptop, this time a  Macintosh 15" Powerbook G4. I had purchased a new Powerbook for Topher last month so this one was not being used.
   Wanting to stay with Linux, we loaded up Ubuntu for the PPC but after only a couple days I had had enough.  The Linux distro for this hardware was just too much work.
    So, I loaded up OSX (10.4)… Now I have not really used a Mac since AppleTalk was in vogue, somewhere around OS 7.6. Imagine my surprise. OS X is just like Linux/Unix with a nice graphical overlay. I am still exploring features, but I am really amazed.  It’s fast, clean and incredibly crash proof. I am starting to play with the command line and am really floored. Considering two years ago I was building enterprise Microsoft networks with nary a Mac in sight… well this is really a turn around.
    Topher has put me on to some great software too and I will write more about that soon. Now, off to explore a bit more!

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