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Netbook Reload

Posted by on 03/12/2010

Today I dumped the Ubuntu Netbook Remix (9.10) on my Lenovo S10 in favor of trying the Moblin 2.1 Beta .

I did the install from a DVD and it went very smoothly. The only thing that doesn’t work out of the box is the Wireless due to the S10’s Broadcom Drivers. You can however find a pretty simple fix right [HERE]. I’ll be applying that latter tonight.

My initial thoughts are that it is darn slick. Its really fast on the ATOM processor and the OS feels very snappy. Graphics are very user friendly and fit the small screen to a T. I like it a lot and you should try it out if you get a chance.

I am going to play more with it and then get back here to drop y’all some more notes.  Happy Moblin!

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