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Changes in Latitude

Posted by on 03/18/2008

Actually, its not a “Latitude” at all…. Its my personal custom PC. Ok thats a geeky joke about Dell laptops.

I built this rig just about 5 years ago when AGP was hot and PCI-X was just coming on board. Its a good rig and has been fun to work with and tinker with. I tried to eek out a couple more years with the graphics system by picking up a Nvidia 7900 in November when they were on sale from New Egg, and it worked wonderfully for about a month until it failed. (You will note the conversation with XFX in a previous post…).

Well, the wonderful folks at XFX replaced it with a rand new 8800GT for PCI-X so, that meant I had to upgrade the box if I wanted to use it, so, a trip to New Egg and $456 latter, the new parts arrive.

Next… what’s in the box(s)!

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