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Together Again

Posted by on 02/10/2012

So, last weekend I completed re-installing the factory seat for my kayak. The seat cushionwas re-attached to the bucket using nylon “Variable Depth Push Fasteners” for Ford vehicles that I picked up at the local Lowes.

The bucket itself was glued to the minicell pads I had attached to the hull to prevent wear and tear on theKevlar. I also re-glued the bucket to the factory minicell column in the front of the seat where it had torn loose.

The bucket was formerly attached to the cockpit columns with pop-rivets. One of the reasons I disassembled the cockpit to begin with is that a couple of the rivets were missing when I got the boat. I replaced these with nylon “M-6 Motorcycle Faring Push Rivets”. They seem very strong, wont rust, and can be removed and replaced in the field.

I think they will work but I will have to get the boat on the water to try it out.

Here are a couple pics.

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