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A New Adventure

Posted by on 09/13/2010

An overdue update;  I am heading North to Oregon Wednesday where I will be taking on the job of Technology Director for the City of Gresham. I did several interviews with them and was so very impressed by the commitment and professionalism at every level. The IT crew seems like a really good group of folks and I am really looking forward to getting my feet on the ground there and working with them.

I will be sad to leave the County behind. Its been a very good run. I have managed to make a difference here and make some friends too… the only thing constant in life is change I suppose…

Our house went on the market today. We have been working on it almost constantly for the last month to get it prepped. The girls will be staying her for a bit to show it and will hopefully be joining me in the next 30 days or so.

In the meantime, I have tuned up the Xterra and prepped it for a nice long road-trip. Since its just me I’ll be driving up through Northern Arizona, Utah’s canyon lands, and across Idaho and Eastern Oregon, down the Columbia to Portland.

I am excited about the trip and am making it into a nice three day excursion through the West. I’ll try to blog about the adventure along my own personal Oregon Trail.

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