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Review – Crossfire Remote Pistol for Wii

Posted by on 01/08/2010

I really enjoy the Wii. Its a lot of fun but what it’s been missing for me is a good FPS. Well Santa was great to me this year and got me a copy of ” Dead Space – Extraction”  and a “Crossfire Remote Pistol” , which is a totally cool piece of hardware that any zombie hunter would like to have!

Unfortunately, the pistol is a disappointment. The hardware itself is nicely designed with good button layout, and a form factor that feels good even in this big-guys hands.

Thats where the cool stops though. After lots of tweaking, moving the sensor bar, adjusting the Wii settings etc, the pistol is so damn inaccurate, that the best I can do is get it to about 30 degrees of the aim-point on the screen. It’s so far off in some places that i am aiming off the screen to get the retical where it needs to be. The zombies are laughing at me!

I have done a lot of reading on the web, and this seems to be a common problem with some production runs of the pistol.

I have contacted Penguin United, the manufacturer, via email twice now (once via their website, on Dec 26th and again via Gmail on Dec 31st) to no avail. I am going to give it one more try today (see note below… ) to see if they will respond.

I’l let you know how it turns out!


Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:18 PM

Penguin United,

This is the third time I have written inquiring about this problem.

Is there anythign you can do to assist me?

Thank you,



On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Pat Hartley <> wrote:


I received a Crossfire for Xmas this year. Its a neat piece of hardware, but its terribly inaccurate. Even after adjusting the sensor bar for the Wii and the game and console sensitivity, I still have to aim 30-40 degrees off the target to get the reticle on-track. Its so bad sometimes that I am actually aiming off the screen.

I understand from searching the web, that this can be a problem with some of the production runs of the pistol.

I’d really appretiate if you folks could send me one that works properly, it’s really a really cool idea and I would very much like to use it.

Thank you,


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