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Friday is Engineering Day

Posted by on 06/05/2009

At the County we work a “Flex-Schedule”. This means that we have every-other Friday off. Its great not only because of the long weekend every other week, but also because the Fridays we are here, the HelpDesk traffic drops to almost nothing.

Therefore we have scheduled all day on the work Fridays as “Engineering Day” its a chance to work in the lab, up at a radio site, or at one of the other locations in the 6200 square miles of Cochise County  for 9 to 10 hours straight. Its a great way to concentrate on learning something new or to delve into  a project that requires an uninterrupted chunk of time and concentration.

Today (for me) was delving into Exchange tuning and working with snapshots in VMware… its good to lube your brain with something other than paperwork and politics!

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