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Why I Love My Job…

Posted by on 05/12/2008

Cochise County is located in Southeastern Arizona and borders Mexico on the South, Tucson on the North, New Mexico on the East and our sister County, Santa Cruz on the West.

It’s one of the most beautiful places I have ever lived and occasionally as the County’s Technology Director, I get a chance to go to some remote location and help with a technology problem… ok, its true, I do look for excuses to get out of the office and enjoy the scenery.

In this instance, its a trip to San Bernardino Peak in the Pedragosa Mountain Range just South of the Chiricahua National Monument and to the East of the city of Douglas.

I rode along with Pablo our Radio/Microwave Engineer and Topher, our Network Engineer, to go replace a base station at our radio tower site last Friday morning. The desert was in full spring bloom and the trip absolutely amazing. If it hadn’t been for a fire in Mexico making the sky a little hazy, you could have seen forever. Below are the pictures from my office for the morning. Enjoy!


The road aptly named “Dangerous Road” to the radio site.


Thats the road there… sort of.


The blue bar is the anti-glare on the windshield but you can see how steep this is. Radio site in upper right hand!


The view back down the road from the site. Looking South into Mexico. Douglas is off to the left.


The view from the office “window”! Looking East into New Mexico.


That’s the view North into the Chiricahua Mountains.


Our radio site from up above on the actual peak. Looking South East this time.

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