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Catching Up

Posted by on 12/06/2007

Well, I changed the page banner. It is a wonderful shot of the Huachuca Mountains of Southern Arizona after our last snow.

I love snow. There is something magical about it. I have lived a lot of places with a lot of snow from Anchorage Alaska to Flagstaff Arizona to Western Massachusetts but there is nothing quite a beautiful as snow in the desert. It must be the contrasts it brings to the landscape, or perhaps its a promise of some sort from the Gods. No idea, I just love it!

Here are a couple more shots from our recent snowfall.

This is up above Mule Pass on the way into Bisbee. In the mist you can see some of the communication towers we use here in the County.
The Towers

Again, in Mule Pass, a pretty little yucca plant in the snow. Ouch, that is cold!

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