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Made it…

Posted by on 08/05/2007

Well, we are here. We arrived in Bisbee on August 1st and are attempting to get settled in.

We have moved ourselves into a fully furnished vacation rental up in Tombstone Canyon. Its an ok place. It was built in the early 1900s and shows typical “old-Bisbee charm”. Which really means its a mish-mash of eclectic wall paper, books, carpet, linoleum, and dishes. We have named it “Great Aunt Selma’s House” in the hope that it will give us perspective about it being fun, but only being temporary.

The monsoon season is in full swing here and the desert is green. Everything is growing and blooming and it smells like Kona Hawaii. The rain is very heavy and downpours are broken by bright sunshine and beautiful clouds. The thunderstorms have been magnificent.

Jess’ folks came out from Yuma on Thursday to help us unpack/pack. We ran up to Tucson and rented a BIG truck. Unloaded our three pods at the terminal there ( They don’t drop off in Bisbee…) and then hauled everything down here and unloaded/loaded it all into a storage unit. It was a very long hot, humid day but we managed with the help of a lot of water and Gatoraid.

Friday we took Jess’ folks and went to look at houses. The town is kind laid out in multiple locations (It feels like it is built only of neighborhoods, and not a single town) and we drove around trying to get a feel for the area and the house prices. Its going to be fun to look as we are not trying to buy and sell at the same time the way we were in Mass.

More a bit later and hopefully even pics!

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