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Jackson Brown Moment

Posted by on 07/28/2007

Posting from the road, rolling West on Highway 70 mile 78 through Missouri. Jess has the cruise-control set at 80.

We have crossed the Missouri River and are passing through some lovely country. Rolling hills and big lush deciduous woodlands. It is very green and wet here. The weather is humid but seems to be getting a bit cooler.

The ever present gray overcast that has haunted us since we left New England seems to be lifting. The sky is patchwork blue now and the sun is coming down in bright patches along the roadway to make the blue Chicory flowers POP with color.

The roadside is festooned with long patches of billboards (Including the multiply present Micro Surgical Vasectomy Reversal – Gaurenteeed! ) and dozens of firework stands. Every Exit seems to host a Mc Donald’s , a BP, a Taco Bell, and an Olive Garden.

We are making good time, stopping every two hours to stretch and switch drivers . I am looking forward to getting across Kansas and seeing the Rockies again. I am curious to see what Jess and the Valkyrie think of the backbone of the US.

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